All Hornets incorporate a corner station underneath both sides of the fuselage. When the aircraft operates in an air-to-air configuration, AIM-7s occupy the C-shaped LAU-116 ejectors on the intakes. These stations alternatively carry FLIR and laser designation pods when operating in attack mode. For visual-range encounters, F/A-18s can haul two Sidewinders on each of their outboard underwing stations (via LAU-115 adapters) and one on each wingtip (totaling six for Hornets and eight for Super Hornets).
Alternatively, the aircraft can carry as many as six Sparrows. As an interceptor, a ten-missile loadout of eight AIM-120 AMRAAM Inertial Guided/Active Radar Homing (IGARH) missiles and two AIM-9 Sidewinders is possible. This loadout also uses the LAU-115 adapter on the four underwing points.